How many types of Meditation, How to perform Meditation?

#budhameditation #meditation types

What is meditation?

Meditation which help us to relax our body and mind. Its help a people to reach heightened state of awareness and focus. The few question of an Individual can only be answer though meditation, Just like Who I am?, Where i come come from, etc.

Who can do Meditation?

After the age of 5 years every one can do Meditation, Its don’t have side effects. Its reduce the stress level in body.

Types of Meditation?

Meditation is a technique to sit calm for a while in relaxed position and pay attention what happing around you, Its has defined 9 types.

  1. Mindfulness Meditation (Buddha Meditation).
  2. Focused Meditation
  3. Spiritual Meditation 🧘‍♂️ 
  4. Mantra Meditation
  5. Movement Meditation.
  6. Transcendental Meditation.
  7. Relaxation meditation.
  8. Emotional Meditation.
  9. Visualization Meditation.

How much time we have to practice Meditation?

In the starting it should be 2 – 5 minutes in a day and continued for a week.

After a week 15 – 20 minutes. 

After a month you can sit an hours.


Explain all the Meditation Technique?

  1. Mindfulness Meditation (Buddha Meditation).                                       Technique A.                                                                                                      VIPASSANA MEDITATION
       The question is how to meditate with Buddhist Monk.
First of all sit in cross leg position , if you can sit easily. Buddha meditation is the simplest technique to concentrate on the mind and it can practice everyday.
1st close your eyes and stop thinking after this focus on your mind & top of the nose. Start breathing very slowly and now concentrate on the inhale and exhale. Its also called Vipassana meditations 

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