
Fitness can be articulated through the term “vigorous.” Numerous authors attempt to define fitness; however, these definitions often fall short of encapsulating the concept entirely. Instead, they may address specific dimensions or types of fitness, such as physical fitness, mental fitness, and spiritual fitness. A review of the Wikipedia entry for the term “fitness” reveals the absence of a definitive explanation of the concept.

Health encompasses a multitude of factors and plays a crucial role in overall wellness.

How does health influence wellness? Two significant dimensions of health are physical and mental health. Physical health is determined by aspects such as fitness, diet, and daily routines, while mental health is influenced by factors such as workplace dynamics, social interactions, family environment, friendships, and personal status. Without health, it becomes difficult to discuss the concept of wellness. A person in good health can effectively outline and pursue life goals, “Click to Know more about Health

Sports Sciences

In scientific terms, speed refers to the distance an object travels within a specified time frame. The relationship is expressed by the formula  s = d/t  where ( s ) represents speed, ( d ) signifies distance, and ( t ) indicates time. Average speed is defined as the total distance covered divided by the total time taken by the object. In the context of sports, however, speed constitutes a crucial component of motor fitness for athletes. It is defined as the ability of the human body to move from one point to another in a fraction of a second. 


               x = Speed in m/s,

              d = Distance travelled in m,

               t= time taken in s.

  •      The Diverse Paths of Yoga

    1. Karma Yoga (The allocation of time and energy towards duty)

    2. Jnana Yoga (The pursuit of self-knowledge)

    3. Raja Yoga (The discipline of the mind) + Ashtanga

    4. Bhakti Yoga (The spiritual path)

research in sports

Can we heal a Humen body?

“It’s a type of body treatment in which only a practitioner (Healer) uses his body energy for the treatment of another ....

How Tantra Yoga Work?

The meaning of Tantra yoga from personal awareness and spiritual enlightens. Tantra is not only Sexual yogic practice

Diabetes can be Control?

Diabetes can be controlled with yoga practice. Before to start the treatment a good doctor always asks the patients ...

Rules to Control Heart Attack?

Always training under the qualified and certified trainers. Those have the knowledge of body organs and how much .....

Can Weight Reduce with Diet?

Weight management is the technique and planning to maintain body mass index or Balance of weight. There are mainly these types ....

Role of Yoga in Student Life

Yoga is science of Universe which is lies between God and Soul. Everyone have a soul and souls are different aspects...

Health Article's

5 Natural Ways to Reduce Your Blood Pressure

Balance diet is most important to maintain blood pressure.

Body Mass Index and Heart Attack Relationship

A perfect body mass index is the symbol of a healthy lifestyle.

Yoga to Get rid From Kidney Stone

Stone is the particle of Minerals and acids salt which join form of stone.

Can Yogic Exercise help to Increase the Height?

we should knowledge which body gland increase height. pituitary gland which presents in our brain......

Disease Treatment through Massage Therapy

Is it possible to treat the body with massage and exercise? The answer is yes it can be treated in few..

Food Planning for a players & Spectators is Totally Different

Before the competition more than four hours, a player can take high carbohydrate & protein diet

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