
After Heavy Gym training can be heart Attack?

After Heavy Gym training can be heart Attack?

During fitness workout may be Walking, Running, Cycling, Zumba, Gym training and Power Yoga, A person start feeling these symptoms,

  1. Dizziness
  2. Extra tiredness
  3. Spinning of head
  4. Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Heaviness
  5. Blurred Vision
  6. Pain in the backside and chest
  7. Feeling of Nausea
  8. Headache
  9. Feeling Pulsations in the neck and head

than Urgently contact to the heart specialist doctor and talk with a qualified fitness expert for proper check-up.

Its means your given extra load to your body Organs or you are not physically fit to perform that workout.

Most Important Points: –

Always training under the qualified and certified trainers. Those have the knowledge of body organs and how much pressure given in different ages.

Science behind the heart attack: –

  1. High Intensity workout after 40-year age
  2. Blockage in Arteries
  3. Family History of Heart Failure.
  4. Alcohol
  5. Caffeine

            Precaution to join Fitness Classes.

  1. Know your fitness level
  2. Explain your medical history to fitness expert
  3. Check weight, height and pulse rate (BMI).
  4. Wear proper Kit.
  5. Practice under the Expert and educated coaches.
  6. Always check heart beat and recovery time after the exercise.

          Lot of scientific factors which are necessary before to start the Fitness Exercise but         world-wide there is not a fix norm to check the fitness level of a person which going to join fitness centre. In so many fitness studio teachers are untrained and don’t have knowledge of physical fitness. They learn the Exercise from street fitness studios and in few weeks open the fitness studio.

      Few points should keep in mind before to start fitness that is,

  1. Your fitness level.
  2. Your Goal.
  3. Time limit.
  4. Your Job and work.

Bob Harper’s also explain their experiences of Heart attack, how tough is recovery and healing. AEDs Machine must be on Fitness centre to save the life from heat attack

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