Weight Management

What is the term Weight Management?

Weight management is the technique and planning to maintain body mass index or Balance of weight. There are mainly these types of management we have to perform under weight management that is,

  1. Control weight to increase (Obesity)

  2. Control weight to Decrease (Normal Weight)

  3. How to Increase the low Weight (Underweight)?

Weight management is long time workout planning to manage the weight. Gym trainer and yoga experts help to gain and lose the weight, but weight control is not such a simple plan. Weight management planning is required to spend time, money, and energy. If the weight is abnormal or low in both condition lot of disease attack on the person.

High weight cause disease: –

  1. Heart attack

  2. Lungs disease

  3. High blood pressure

  4. Diabetes

  5. Gout

  6. Osteoarthritis

  7. Sleeping Disorder

  8. Cancer

  9. Menstruation Problems

    Underweight cause disease: –

  1. Osteoporosis

  2. Anaemia

  3. Low Immunity

  4. Low Growth and Development

  5. Low Fertility

  6. Malnutrition

  7. Skin Problem

  8. Menstruation Problems

  9. Hair and teeth Problem

       Common Cause of Underweight and Obesity: –

  1. Heredity

  2. Eating Habits

  3. Immunity System

  4. Mental Illness

  5. Lack of Exercise

  6. Society

  7. Lack of Knowledge or Guidance

  8. Family Income

      Let’s Talk about the Weight Management: –

  1. Calories Consumed, and Calories spent

           Calories Consumed: –

  • Diet Planning

  • Basal Metabolic Rate

Calories spent: –

  • Exercise Planning

  • Daily Routine

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