
Hockey field dimensions

GK Question
Hockey field dimensions

Let’s see how to perform marking of hockey field.

We required Rope, lime powder, measuring tape and nails.

1. Mark a straight line of 55 Meter on one corner of the ground.

2. On the center of this line (27.5 mt), hold the tape.

3, Now cut a diagonal lines on both corners to open the  tape 71.51 mt.

4. After this draw a cut from both corners to open the tape 55mt.

5. we get a arch in front of this line. (As shown in picture).

6,, now mark a straight line and cut the arch to make straight field.

7. We can also apply Pythagoras theorem to mark straight line on each corner and also apply 3-4-5 Formula.

8. The thickness of all the line should be 7.5 cm.

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