
Yoga to Get rid From Kidney Stone


Stone is the particle of Minerals and acids salt which join and change in the form of stone. Our Kidney Filtered waste and fluid from blood.

Types of Stone

These are five types of stone can formed in our body that is

1. Calcium Stone :- It is very common form of kidney stone. It’s made up of calcium and calcium phosphate.

2. Uric Acid Stone:- It is the form of Uric acid and its main cause is high protein diet ,alcohol and low water consumption.

3. Struvite Stone:- It can be build up with the cause of Urine infection. Only Medication can help to treat this types of stone.

4. Cystine Stone :– If level of chemical cystine is too much in the urine than their is the risk of this types of stone.

 5. Gallstones:-  Gallstone found in Gallbladder, Its form due to hardened deposits of Bile which stored in the gallbladder. 

Yoga for Stone removal

Yoga can help to maintain body chemical balance but if once a stone produced than is required medical treatment to get ride earlier. Drugs can only reduce the size of stone and  cut the stone in small pieces.

1. Kapalbhati practice can help to remove Gallbladder stone.

2. Ustrasana (Camel Pose) best asana to flush out kidney stone.

3. Viparita Karani is also help to move stone from kidney.

4. Dhanurasana increase pressure on the kidney and help t reduce stone.

5.  Camel Pose help to improve filtration of kidney.

Causes of Stone Formation

    1. Eating too much fructose and calcium, protein, Sodium, and sugar.

    2. If not Drink accurate amount of water. 

    3. Overweight and Obesity.

    4. High level of Oxalate, Cystine, and uric acid.

     5. Hereditary Kidney stone problems.

symptoms of Stone Formation

1. Itching in the head.

2. Blood in Urine.

3. Pus cell in urine.

4. Pain in Lower Abdomen is the most common symptom.

5. Vomiting and Nausea.

6. Feel Thirsty at night.

7. You feel Pain and burning sensation when you pass the urine.


Food should avoid

  1.  Spinach, Tomato, and amaranth leaves.
  2. Mushroom, Brinjal, and Cauli Flower.
  3. Grapes and sapodilla. 
  4. Pumpkin, meat, egg, and fish.
  5. Tea, coffee, chocolate,and Cashew

Food should eat

  1. Coconut water.
  2. carrot and Bitter Gourd.
  3. Banana, Pineapple, and Lime.
  4. Nuts barley, and Mustard seeds.
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