
Udgeeth Pranayama for mental health

what is udgeeth Pranayama?

Udgeeth is the word which related with the sound of “Om”. It is a chanting of Om Mantra with a rhythm. Its give vibration and the energy to the body.

how to perform?

  1. Sit in any comfortable position or asana.
  2. Spinal Cord should be straight.
  3. Palms must be facing upward toward sky and keep elbow on the thigh. 
  4. Hands also in Gyan Mudra or in any  other Mudra.
  5. Inhale deeply as much as possible.
  6. Now start OM Chanting .
  7. Focus on the Deep Rhythmic chant.
  8.  Minimum two minutes continuously perform chanting to inhale after each count.

How to Perform "om" chanting?

1. First of all Exhale with the sound of "O" . 2. Lips should be in Oval Shape. 3. "O" Sound will be go upward and stretched. 4. Close the lips with start the Sound "M". 5. This sound now start to come from throat. 6. It will up and down like a sound wave. 7. You can feel vibration in ear and after few days you start feeling vibration in chest. 8. Exhale Properly with sound. 9. After complete the process inhale and repeat the OM chanting.

Benefits of Om Chanting

  1. Its Remove Stress.
  2. Its balance Blood Pressure.
  3. Its maintain plus rate.
  4. Its give us pleasant.
  5. Its make us calm and control anger.
  6.  Its help us for sound sleep.
  7. Its increase purity in thoughts.
  8. Its also balance all body Dosha.
  9.  Its increase awareness of facts.
  10. Its provide us energy.


  1. To take proper benefit always practice on calm place.
  2. Place should have pure air and free from other sounds.
  3. Mind should be relaxed.
  4. Keep Dhyana before to start Udgeeth pranayama.
  5. Always practice empty stomach.
  6. relax 2 to 5 minutes after perform Om chanting.
  7. It should practice in the last of asana and pranayama.
  8. Always take help of a good yoga teacher which one has the knowledge of Pranayama.
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