
Can Yoga and Fitness Exercise help to Increase the Height? A Fact File.

First of all we should knowledge which body gland increase height. This is only one gland that is pituitary gland which presents in our brain and help in growth of our body. This growth is related with the body structure.

According to the research of Laurie Widaman 1 , When we performed Exercise than growth Hormone secretion increased.

Now the question is if this gland helps us to increase the height than why height increases in a fixed age group? Let’s see the Indian Fix Height Ratio.


Girls Height Minimum and Maximum

Boys Height Minimum and Maximum

One year (1)

69 cm – 79 cm

71 cm – 80 cm

Two and Half years (2.6)

86 Cm – 97.5

85cm – 98 cm

Five Years (5)

97.5 cm – 118 cm

100 cm – 118.5 cm

Seven and Half Years (7.6)

110 cm – 135

112 cm – 135.5 cm

Ten Years (10)

123.5 Cm – 151 cm

123.5 am – 151.5 cm

Twelve and Half Years (12.6)

136 Cm – 164 cm

136 cm – 166.5 cm

Fifteen Years (15)

143.5 Cm – 170 cm

148 cm – 179.5 cm

Eighteen years(18)

147 Cm – 171 cm

158 cm – 186. 5 cm

Reference charts WHO 2006 and IAP 2015.

In this chart we have seen that the growth level of Girls and boys are approximately are same till the age of twelve years but in this period we can predict the maximum growth of 18 years.

Now we come to the point, is yoga and fitness exercise help to increase few inches?

 Yes its true yoga and fitness exercise help a children to achieve the approximate height because their tissues and cell of the body getting more oxygen during workout. As we seen all the children’s start playing from early morning to evening time but after the age of eight years education work load impact on the games and sports activities. Height improving age is fixed and it’s not a long life process if you performed yoga in the age twenty five than height will not increased. Hormones work in age of one to eighteen years. Exercise and yoga is divided in different activities and all the activities have different impact on the body. This is the different topic. Let’s see the activities which impact more in height increase.

  1. Cycling
  2. Running
  3. Stretching
  4. Hanging
  5. Swimming
  6. Jumping Exercise
  7. Recreation activities, Ludo, Carrom board, chess.

 Yogasana for Height Growth:-

  1. Tad asana
  2. Sarvang Asana (90 degree)
  3. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
  4. Marjaryasana(Cat Pose)
  5. Vrikshasana
  6. Paschimotan asana
  7. Natrajasana

Ujjayi Pranayama is the very common practice which helps us to improve growth and development

Few common factor that can’t be ignore, which are the most important than Spots Activities.

  1. Family Environment
  2. Heredity Height
  3. Diet Planning
  4. Nutritional food
  5. Daily Routine
  6. Schooling
  7. Friends
  8. Socio Economical Status.

These are common disease that can stop growth in human body.

  1. Endocrine Hormone Disease.

If the pituitary and thyroid gland not work properly than there is two problems in growth it may be excess growth or not developed properly.

  1. Long illness-

If there is long illness of digestive tract, kidney, heart disease, lungs, diabetes or stress that’s also impact on growth of a child.

  1. Intrauterine Growth Restriction :-

If the growth of child is slow in uterus due to any cause of mothers problems like, smoking, drugs, ailments, malnutrition, lack of exercise and stress. In so many cases its seen that if the new born baby is weak during birth than their growth will be slow for a time beings that main cause their body organs take time to develop properly. Such a weak kids also not able to fight with the viruses and germs.

  1. Chromosome:-

As we know baby take birth due to male female X and Y chromosome. If there is the issue of Turner syndrome , missing X Chromosome that can be a cause of poor growth in girls child.

  1. Growth hormone release during acute and chronic aerobic and resistance exercise: recent findings – PubMed (



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