wellness and its role in Lifestyle

What is Wellness

A teacher enjoying teaching, a scientist love experiments, a researcher doing research and a bird enjoying fling in the sky this all fun called wellness. Every person plans a goal, and the goal can be short term or long term. The definition of wellness is, a state of person in which he feels energetic and healthy to achieve their life goals. Body work on two theories one is planning (Thinking) and second is rest for recovery. Its means good planning required to achieve the aim and in second aspect of life he also required better sleep for recovery after difficult work. If we talk about the other side of wellness that is not well, it’s mean the person is sick, unhealthy, unsound and ill. If a person is not well than to achieve wellness he required fitness on physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Wellness is different on different body aspects. All the personality traits that also related with the wellness.

If we ask a question to a person are you well?

Of Couse, the answer of this question I will be “I am well” but it’s no mean if someone is not ill than he is well. Wellness is defied by the so my prospective of the life. Who come first? lifestyle or health? Let’s start the discussion,

  1. Lifestyle
  2. Health (Physical and Mental Health)
  3. Society
  4. Spirituality
  5. Environment

                  The question is why lifestyle is first requirement?

                      Role of Lifestyle in wellness?

We know in 21st century if anything changes very speedily that is lifestyle. The life was on bullock cart and now on the aeroplane. Wellness is totally related with the happy healthy life style. It’s not mean a person still on the bullock cart are not happy or healthy. In this two condition one is flying on the aeroplane and other is on the bullock cart both can be enjoy wellness but it’s depend upon the mental ability of both people. What are their like and dislike and how much they are physically and mentally fit?  A person can’t buy the happiness and health from the market. He required to maintain good habits and change their life style. Our lifestyle starts from early morning to night that is waking time, hygienic, exercise, posture, eating habits and sleeping time. A good time schedule decides the wellness of a person. When a person falls ill than doctor also suggested to change the habits and routine.

 Role of Health in wellness?

Health are lot of factors and it’s a part of wellness. Let’s see

How can health impact on wellness? Health have two important factors that is physical health and other is mental health. Physical health depends upon the fitness, diet and daily routines but mental health depends upon the workplace, society, family environment, friends and status. Without health we can’t talk about wellness. A good health person can plan the aim of the life. An ill person can’t think how to cash the opportunities in life. The struggle and hard work is the key of success.

                    Role of Society in wellness?

We all are the social animals; It’s mean the part of society. Every child wants to make friends for play and fun but in metropolitan cities parents move for the job and children not get space for happiness. They locked inside the room with a caretaker. He wants to fly kites in the air and dance with their friends but it’s now become one-day birthday fun. On the other side a child playing with friends and enjoy their life. He will be the more physical and mental fit. Same as in age of adulthood everyone required friend to share their emotion and feeling. In a company or in an institute all we required a social network. In this situation two energy work one is positive energy and other is negative energy. If your friend has negative thought than its impact on your life also, so that always try to make good friends.

Role of Spirituality in wellness?

If a person starts thinking on the words, how, why, who then is means he was thinking about the third power of the world. It is the difference between the god is or not? Example we pick up the phone to call someone and the same time phone bell start ringing “Oh” It is a magic the same person on the other side. Reiki therapy is the other great example of spirituality. In yoga Dayana yoga and meditation also the part of spirituality. There is two types of people on the earth one believe on the god and other not. Spiritually make a person unique from other because a spiritual person planning and words are always different from a common person and people think those are in spiritually they are happier and know the meaning of the wellness.

Role of Environment in wellness?

All the birds getting food on the earth and they all are well but we see few love live in cold weather and few love to live in hot weather. If temperature is hot, then thoughts are different and with weather are cold than thoughts are also changed. So environment also impact on our ideas and planning. We have seen so many disease cause is only environment. So every person should live with nature and natural thinks.

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