
Adho Mukha Shvanasana [अधोमुखश्वानासन]

The name of this asana explained the posture of this asana. Adho is a Sanskrit word and derived from the Adhas. The meaning of Adhas is “down”. Mukha is related with name Face in English. Shvan is also sanskrit word and its meaning is “DOG”.  The meaning of the Asana is, A position of sitting and standing.  This asana is very similar to the Surya Namaskar. Lets see the each and every Position of Adho Mukha Shvanasana.

Posture No. 1
  1. Sit on the yoga mat in Vajrasana.
  2. Now bent downward to keep both hand on the floor (Table Top Pose).
  3. Hands should be straight.
  4. After this take your knees upward and weight will be shifted on the foots.
  5. Chin will be touch to the chest.
  6. Tight your abdominal Muscles.
  7. Stay in this pose 30 to 45 seconds.
  8. This pose can be repeated three times.


  1. It’s help in migraine pain.
  2. Its helps to improve body ache.
  3. Its relax our muscles.
  4. Its increase spine flexibility.
  5. It’s make strong our foot and shoulders.
  6. Its balance stomach organs and help to improve digestion.
  7. It’s help to reduce muscles tension.
  8. Its can used as a treatment in case of flatfoot and sciatica.
  9. Its improve lungs capacity. 
  10. Its best asana for the women because its also help to reduce painful periods Dysmenorrhea].
  1. Pregnant women don’t practice this asana.
  2. If any injury in wrist, backbone and legs than avoid practice of this asana.
  3. Avoid if any issue of carpal tunnel syndrome,
  4. Do not practice after meal.
  5. Always Perform Starching before to practice this asana.
Position for Vajrasana
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