Disease Treatment through Massage Therapy

Disease Treatment through Massage Therapy

Is it possible to treat the body with massage and exercise? The answer is yes it can be treated in few cases. We have seen in so many cases that when we got hurt then the same time we start rubbing that place for relax. After few second we realised relief from the pain.

“The meaning of the massage is a gentle or strong pressure on the muscles and the tissue of the body to remove tension and pain”. First of we discuss the problem that can resolve through massage therapy.

The common problems are,

  1. Pulse Rate
  2. Blood pressure
  3. Muscles tension
  4. Low Flexibility
  5. Fatigue
  6. Headaches
  7. Muscular pain (Back, Shoulder and Neck)
  8. Stress and anxiety
  9. Sleep disorder
  10. Low Range of Motion

 In all the courtiers after the birth of one month of newborn child massage started to build up their muscles. Different types of body oils are used for the massage. Massage oil plays a very important role in massage therapy. Let see how massage oil helps us to remove toxin and provide strength to our body.

Best Five Oils are,

  1. Coconut Oil
  2. Jojoba Oil
  3. Sunflower Oil
  4. Almond Oil
  5. Apricot Kernel Oil

Oil is most important for massage because when our hands glide over the skin then oil increases the smoothness of massage and reaches deep inside the muscle. All the massage oils are light and non-greasy. These oils help to reduce muscle tension and also help to improve muscle elasticity.

Massage treatment:-

Environment plays the most important role in massage therapy.  Human being love to leave alone for few seconds to take relaxes from a whole week’s work. He demands a calm and cool place to spend their time. Massage rooms are designed to provide comfort to the mind. This is the most important to provide a peaceful environment to the patient. First of all the Acupressure massage is provided with cloths. It improves awareness and concentration. Then asked the patient which massage he like a deep or soft tissues massage. After the massage therapy, a person feels sleepy, relaxed, calm, and stress-free. Massage also relaxed our Muscles, Tendons, and Ligaments.

Benefits of Massage:-

  1. Its reduce pain in our body.
  2. It improves blood circulation in our body that causes compressed nerves to open with the help of blood flow.
  3. It’s also improving the digestive system.
  4. It increases flexibility.
  5. Its help to overcome all types of disease that are mentioned above. All the disease treatment is the benefit of massage.

Types of Massage Therapies:-

  1. Sports massage For Injury and relaxation.
  2. Aromatherapy massage.
  3. Deep and soft Tissue massage.
  4. Trigger point massage.
  5. Reflexology (Foot Massage).
  6. Thai Massage.
  7. Prenatal Massage.
  8. Bath Massage (Hot and Cold Water Therapy).
  9. Chair Massage (Head and half body massage).
  10. Shiatsu Massage.
  11. Hot Stone massage (Heated Stone).
  12. Swedish massage (Common Massage).

Technique of massage

Massage depends upon the body parts because different types of massage applied on different body parts. We will discuss how to perform the massage and which technique applies on our body muscles. There are common five types of massage techniques.

  1. Effleurage
  2. Petrissage
  3. Tapotement
  4. Friction
  5. Vibration

Effleurage is the stroke massage technique in which hand should in cup shape. In this massage long and light strokes apply on arms, back, thigh and calf muscles.

In the Petrissage deep pressure applies to compress muscle and tissues in continues movement. It’s applied on the Palm, thumbs, or surface of the finger.

Tapotement is a rhythmic massage which performed with the help of tips of the fingers and cupped hand. Back of the muscles, on forehead, thigh and cuff muscles.

Friction is applied on ligaments, tendons, fascia and muscles. It’s performed with help of finger and thumbs.

Vibration massage applies to relief to muscle tightness. Its performed on the Shoulder, Arm, back, Buttock, thigh and calf muscles.

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