

what is Bhastrika Pranayama

In Sanskrit, Bhastrika means “Bellow” and bellow means loud noise. As we saw when we try to burn a fire in dry sticks then we need to blow up from the mouth. Same in the case of the human body when a person starts inhaling and exhaling with the same rhythm then the heat started producing inside the body. The body temperature also increased. Our Body required all five elements for better health. In these five elements, air and water are the most common demand of our system. This pranayama is the best practice to maintain blood circulation in the body. This Pranayama performs in three different techniques of inhaling and exhaling.

How to perform

1.   To perform this     Pranayama, First of all, sit in any comfortable position. Your Backbone should be straight. Your left arms are in a resting position in Gyan Mudra on the left knee. Inhale the breath and same time exhale the breath out.

2. During this Pranayama Diaphragm come upward and moves downward so many times with inhaling and exhaling.

3. Deeply Inhale and exhale continuously 10 to 12 times.

4. A sound comes from nasal during this practice

5. The stomach goes inside when inhale and the stomach comes outside when exhale.

benifits of bhastrika pranayama

  1. It maintains heat in the human body.
  2. It also controls a high heartbeat.
  3. It provides energy to the body.
  4. It improves the respiration capacity of an individual.
  5. Its help to fight against bacteria and virus to improve immunity.
  6. It improves the power of control breathing.
  7. Its improve oxygen in the body.
  8. It provides strength to the abdominal region and stomach.

Precautions for practice

  1. Those have High blood pressure problem they practice with slow inhaling and exhaling.
  2. If a person feels the heat in the body, he also performs in slow style.
  3. Those people have diseases related to the mind, ears, and any surgery then they should practice under the guidance of Yogacharya.
  4. Bhastrika pranayama should not practice hard for those who have the problem of retina and glaucoma.
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