

What is Murcha Pranayama

The meaning of Murcha in English is called fainting. If the supply of oxygen will be insufficient to the brain than a short time lose of consciousness can occur. In this pranayama intentionally chin locked near the thyroid gland to reach the faint state. This technique increase mental energy.

How to perform

In this Pranayama Sitting position is different from other pranayama. 

Note :- This Pranayama should be practice under the guidance of  yoga Expert.

  1. Sit in Sukhasana or Lotus pose.
  2. whole body in the relax position and hand on the knees.
  3. Head and spine in a straight line. 
  4. Before to learn this pranayama one should be master in khechari mudra and shambhavi mudra.
  5. First apply the Khecari Mudra.
  6. Now bend your head beck side.
  7. Inhale breath like Ujayii Pranayama with both nostrils.
  8.  Apply shambhavi mudra.
  9.  Straight the arm on the thigh and palms press to knees.
  10.  Hold the breath and apply Jalandhar Bandha.(Chin touch to the chest).
  11.  You will start feeling dizziness if you apply the right method than start exhaling breath.
  12.  Don’t open your eyes and come back in relaxed position. In this position feel the relax and calm.
  13.  Now open your eyes.
  14.  Beginner can practice only three times.

Benefits of this pranayama

  1. Its give us mental relaxation.
  2. Its refresh the mind.
  3. Its improve positives thoughts in our mind.
  4.  Its give feeling of state of unconsciousness.
  5. Its improve flow of  blood in our body.
  6. Its relax of thoughts and calm our anger.
  7.  Its increase supply of blood in brain. 
  8. Its better to maintain headache problems.


  1. Those have problem of mental disorder or any brain surgery they should not practice this pranayama.
  2. First time it should practice under the guidance of Yogacharya.
  3. Unhealthy person should not practice this pranayama.
  4. Before to start this a person have the mastery on Jalandhar bandha and mudra those are mentioned above in technique.
  5. It should be practice in morning and open place.
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