

what is Bhramari Pranayama

In this Pranayama voice come from the throat like black Indian Bee that’s its called Bhramari and bee breath Pranayama. If a person mentally tired than its give feeling of relaxation to the mind.


How to perform

1. To perform this Pranayama, First of all sit in any comfortable position. Your Backbone should be straight. Your left arms in resting position in Gyan Mudra on the left knees.

2. First of all keep both hand index finger above the eye brows.

3.  close the eyes and slightly keep middle finger on the both eyes.

4. Both hand ring finger gently press on the Nasolabial fold both side on the Nostril hole.

5. Little finger keep down the lips.

6. Thumbs will press the lids of ear.

7. Now start take breathing from both nostrils.

8. After this start the  humming sound of with throat with slow exhaling from both nostrils.

9. Feel the sound and vibration of the body.

10. This can Practice 10 – 12 times in a day.



  1. Its control Blood pressure.
  2. Its help to reduce anxiety.
  3.  Its Improve Concentration.
  4. Its reduce stress and relax the mind.
  5. its balance heart beat.


  1. It should practice in relaxed position.
  2. Don’t press the face or ear points to hard.
  3. Always perform in open air.
  4. it should practice in the morning time.
  5.  Its also practice in last of asana because its calm our body.
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