What is Flexibility, how to Improve it?


  Flexibility can judge the bending movement and the motion. In other words, we can say the range of the moments from a point to another point. Flexibility is the most important motor fitness component in games and sports. Some games like gymnastics, aerobics, judo, and taekwondo need more flexibility for better performance.

Flexibility improves physical fitness of an individual. Few important Points are,

o   Mobility

o   Muscle coordination

o   Posture

o   Safety from Injury

o   Muscle stiffness

Flexibility can be improved through Yogic practice and stretching exercise. Flexibility can be measured by a goniometer.         

Let’s talk about mobility; Mobility is the baseline to improve flexibility. Some people think these two terms are the same but there are a lot of differences between the flexibility and the mobility. Mobility means the free range of motion without any restriction. In the other sense, mobility means the temperature of the body. In so many conditions we have seen that when a person starts to have flexibility then there is less movement in the joints and the ligaments but after warm up exercise their flexibility improves and mobility exercise is the best way to improve physical fitness and flexibility. There are different types of exercise to improve mobility. Flexibility is defined in two categories.

  1. Active Flexibility.
  2. Passive flexibility.

 Passive words are defined in so many definitions and the meaning of the passive is the same. Passive flexibility means, in this other object and the person help to perform flexibility of joint movement to increase the range of the motion.

Active flexibility has two types,

2.1. Static Flexibility.

2.2    Dynamic Flexibility.

The mean of the statistical flexibility with the asana and the flexibility exercise perform on the one place but from my means it’s not the clear definition of the statistical flexibility because asana can perform in different positions and it can be that there movements are thee smooth and not too fast. In this flexibility asana and the stretching exercise perform in one place and improve flexibility of different body parts. Warm-up is the most important for statistical flexibility because in these types of flexibility exercises there are more chances of injury. We have seen in different games players got injured by hamstring muscles. After this all the players left the ground for months and in a few cases player carriers also spoiled. So that specific warm up is also part of flexibility. There are different types of exercise in statistical flexibility and it is best worked out for older age people.Dynamics flexibility is totally just the opposite of statistical flexibility. In this flexibility exercise perform with speed and the rhythm, in this flexibility exercise can perform movement and fast in one place. Dynamic flexibility used to improve statistical flexibility. Muscle coordination is the most important in flexibility movement. When we perform exercise then the mind passes a massage to that muscle through nerves to perform the activity and muscle performs that movement on the time with the speed. In each and every activity we required the coordination of the muscles. There are the three nerves which control all coordination of the muscle and pass the massage to perform the activity.

To improve the flexibility posture is the most important and the knowledge of good posture is also most important to perform exercise. If a person’s posture is not accurate. He can’t perform exercises of flexibility because these all exercises are depending upon the strength and the power. Example if a child wants to improve the flexibility of the legs then he has to stretch their legs on the ground and their whole body will take part and help him to perform this movement but it’s not an easy task if the child has any postural deformity. Flexibility also helps from the injury. There are two common types of injury that are sprain and strain. One is related to tissue injury and the other is ligament injury. In so many cases where there is less flexibility in human beings we have seen these types of injuries. The main cause of the injury is muscle stiffness. If a person does not perform the activity of a muscle for a long time then he has such stiffness and he can get injured due to lack of activities. Few points to keep in mind when you perform a flexibility exercise that’s body should be warm before starting the flexibility exercise. For the passive flexibility movement you have a good partner. You should join a yoga or gym center to get knowledge of exercise. A Partner is most important to give support in flexibility exercise. Few tests can be conducted to watch the flexibility level of students. Parents should pay attention to the flexibility of children. If a person’s spinal cord reduces movement then there is a lot of disease due to this reason. Spinal cord flexibility is most important in compression of other body joints. A person should have the knowledge of joints and their types or movement to perform flexibility exercise. A common test which can be performed at home that is v sit and the reach test. It can perform without a huge apparatus and it also can perform on low space.  One of the Schober tests is also most important to find out the flexibility of the spinal code. In this test we also know how much a person can bend their spinal cord. After a few days the researcher can give a specific training to improve spinal cord starching and after he can take a retest to watch how much flexibility has improved.

Written by Dr. N. Kumar

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