
Reaction time, How to Improve in Sports ?

It is a gap of timing between the stimulation and the movement of objects. Reaction time changed in old age because of weak neuromuscular coordination. Reaction time plays a very important role in short distance races. Regular practice of the activity can improve reaction time of an individual. Reaction time of a human depends upon the neuro-muscular coordination. Reaction time can be measured by the mental ability and body movement test batteries. Reaction time depends upon the four important points, that’s are,

o   Level of Stimulation

o   Sensory Organs

o   Cortical

o   Motor Response

We can understand this, in the hundred-meter race start given by the starter and the entire athletes will respond according to their motor skill. The start bullet voice works as a stimulus and this stimulus reaches the brain through sensory nerves and the brain passes a massage to muscles to break stationary position. Reaction time is also muscular response timing. Now we discuss the points that are mentioned above, According to the level of stimulation there is a lot of research conducted on this point but in all the research work Cat and the dog research of the Thorndike is very famous. In this research Thorndike made a cage for the cat and kept this cat hungry inside the pigeon for days. First of all he keeps milk near the cage and stays away to watch the cat move to take milk. Cat came near the milk and started jumping inside the cage. Cat doesn’t know the liver of the cage and how to open it but when she was jumping at that time she also snatched the liver with their nails. By chance the cage opened and the cat learned how to open the cage, then next time she did not jump she went near the cage and opened the door with nail legs. It means stimulation teaches us so many things. Stimulation is most important for reaction time also. In the other case level; of stimulation when a player take start for hundred meter race then also depend upon the level of the stimulation just like a whistle blow slowly than athlete reaction also slow and if the whistle blow in proper way than athlete will take the fat start and move correctly. Level of the stimulation depends upon the trainer, if trainer reacts fast then the responder will also react soon. In so many cases of daily life when we work with our children then they learn a lot of things from us, In the same Procedure they learn the activities from us, If our activity is better than they become well and if our reaction time is slow they also give stimulation in a slow way. A teacher asked a question in the classroom from all the children and told them to raise their hand before giving the answer of this question, then he started asking the question in each 15 second. All the students’ response depends upon the teacher’s speed. Each work speed depends upon the main guide. Our body muscles work as they get the stimulation from the outer sources. In the next points it’s clear that all that depends upon the sensory organ of the body. We have a total of five sensory organs in the body, now we discuss all the sensory organs one by one. First of all, the eye is the most powerful sensory organ of the body. In the hundred meter race if all the athletes are on the track for running and they are ready to run on the signal of clap then in this case ear will work better but if a player watches other player movement during the start then after a foul start of any other player he also responds in the same way. If he is keeping total attention on the listing then he never makes such a mistake because he is also listing the voice of clapper and he will respond only on the voice of the clapper. In the same other cases there is a lot of drill of reaction time. Now we talk about the second sense organ, the nose, its move effective to smell the things. In the house so many times we smell the taste of food and run to eat them but if we are talking about the reaction time in sports then the most common sense organs are only eyes and the ear. A lot of tests were conducted on the sense organs. The main motto is how to improve the power of sense organs and how we can practice to improve the capabilities of responses as soon as possible. In the cortical Reaction sperms of motor and the father also decide the reaction time of the child. In life so many things are decided before birth and that is called the chromosome of parents. If the reaction time of mother and father is fast, their son’s reaction time is also fast. In the last motor response is mainly the cell of the body. In this theory, the response of a person depends upon the movement of the body cell .How fast they convey the message to the mind and mind gives order to the body to perform that activity.

Written by Dr. N. Kumar

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